Top of the new week
Howdy, welcome back to Shad’s Shack Write About Weed series for a new week. I am going to be talking about my changing perspective when it comes to smoking today. I’m genuinely seeking to accept this change and I am having a few observations.
It’s never as good as I remember.
I have been making the switch to vaporization consumption methods over the past 3 years. I haven’t went 100% to vaping mostly because of nostalgia. Every good little bit in my mind, I have this thought that I could get super blazed if I rolled a joint or a blunt. I think of the good old days smoking blunt after blunt and how I supposedly got so stoned. Afterwards though I just kinda feel dirty.
There is a buzz associated afterwards but it’s not better than what I achieve with my vaporizer. I usually smell terrible because good weed usually smells terrible after its burned. Thus I am paranoid about the smell if I have something I need to accomplish afterward. It’s a bunch of other negative thoughts and emotions that I have experienced that I simply don’t have when I am using my Venty or Mighty.
My Theory
My thinking around this is that vaporizing the cannabis is much more effective at delivering the results provided. My old habit that I am shifting from was very time consuming so in comparison with vaping, that time to consume is cut significantly. It was like I was doing a time comparison then saying vaping wasn’t delivering because the sessions are shorter.
The sessions may be shorter but they are effective. I was unwilling to accept that I was having the desired effects delivered in moments for a while. I was looking for that “something more” which had been cut out – the nicotine. Whatever it was about nicotine that I liked, I determined it wasn’t giving me any benefit so that something more just isn’t a thing for me anymore.
Crazy how even after abstaining from using, the thought of it lingers and tries to attach itself to the cannabis. The cannabis though is good enough alone.